Directions to your phone
From Interstate 264:
- Take Interstate 264 to exit 22 (N. Birdneck Rd).
- Turn Left onto Birdneck Rd.
- Follow through the stop light at Laskin onto the feeder road.
- Turn Right onto the feeder road.
- Turn Left into the parking lot of the Sigma Building. (3rd Bldg, 2 Story Brick)
From Virginia Beach Oceanfront:
- Take Laskin Rd West.
- Bear Right onto the feeder road at Oriole Dr.
- Follow to Sigma Building on Right.
From Virginia Beach Hilltop:
- Take Laskin Rd. East towards the oceanfront.
- Turn left at Cardinal and take feeder road adjacent to Laskin Rd.
- Turn Left into the Sigma Building just past Birdneck Rd.